RVmagnetics is R&D company that developed the smallest passive sensor in the world based on MicroWire. Scope of our work lays in prototyping and customization. Company is based in Slovakia, European Union. Company was established in 2015 by prof. Rastislav Varga and since this date has been organically growing to meet the needs for unique sensor technology of innovative leaders in wide array of sectors.

    RVmagnetics R&D team consists of our founder Rastislav Varga, European MicroWire top expert, Professor of magnetism in condensed matter with 25 five years research experience in basic and applied magnetism.

    Over 70% of employees in the company are R&D members, most of them with PhD. From MicroWire technology in chemistry, physics, electronics, electromechanics, engineering and industrial design.





    RVmagnetics MicroWire sensing technology combines unique material science with unique method of sensing based on utilization of magnetic principles – creating strong technology and R&D foundation.

    To obtain local data – MicroWire (of length 1–4 cm) needs to be either attached with adhesive layer on the material surface or embedded in it. As the sensing system needs to be placed in the proximity of the MicroWire – within 10 cm range – measurements can be obtained even through other materials (even metallic, magnetic materials but 10cm range will shorten).



    Added Value, ROI

    Whether improving accuracy, adding smart functions, or monitoring structural health adding to bottom-line comes first.

    From 1 gram of metallic alloy RVmagnetics manufactures up to 1 km of MicroWire which equals up to 100.000 sensors (if splitting the continuous wire to 1cm long sensors). Ultimately, the cost of sensor itself can be low. As for the electronics – this can be 3rd party assembled based on blueprints provided at the end of customization project. However, the cost intensive is the technology customization (prototyping) part – for all the elementrs (MicroWire, sensing head and electronics) – typically 5-digit investment in EUR for simpler projects and 6-digit EUR investments for more complex (lengthier) projects. So, clients are typically seeking for ROI either on the volume that would justify the costs or high margin products.


    ISO Certification

    RVmagnetics achieved ISO 9001:2015 Certification in March 2018. Certification was conducted by TAYLLORCOX s.r.o., who is RCB (Registered Certification Body) for ISO standards, ACO (Accredited Consulting Organisation) for P3M3, CAB (Conformity Assessment Bodie) for eIDAS and ATO (Accredited Training Organisation).

    ISO 9001:2015 Certification is an internationally recognized set of standards for quality assurance, quality management and continuous improvement. The standards represent best practices, policies and procedures to ensure that RVmagnetics will continue to consistently meet our customers’ needs for superior products and technical support.



    RVmagnetics is dedicated environmentally aware solution provider, thanks to:

    • replacing several sensors with one: one RVmagnetics sensor is able to sense temperature/pres­sure and magnetic field at once. We are also able to measure aouthe physical quantities like a electric current, flow, orientation, elongation, vibration and much more.
    • replacing several sensor interfaces with just one: one pair coils (excitation and sensing coil) is able to take measurements from 15 MicroWire sensors
    • sensing works on low power consumption (enabling energy savings on sensing): single measurements need just few milliAmperes
    • adding 100.000 sensors to any material or product ads 1 gram! Terefore causes almost no additional COx emissions
    • our sensors contribute to client ’s manufacturing excellence and helps reducing environmental footprint
    • environmentally neutral sensor







    A Team of 16 people combining unique capabilities and aspects of the microwires ranging from electromechanics, electronics, chemistry, physics, applied magnetism, industrial design and software.​

    Prof. Rastislav Varga        
    CTO, founder​

    Michal Ondruš       
    Board Member

    Vladimír Marhefka
    Board Member

    Michal Borza 
    Board Advisor

    Ladislav Galdun
    Technology Lead

    Anna Špegarová
    Research Scientist

    Tomáš Ryba  

    Lenka Siraňová

    Peter Ďuranka
    Electronics Engineer

    Patrik Jacko
    SW Electrical Engeneer

    Ľudovít Hvizdoš
    SW Engineer

    Rudolf Sabol  
    Coil Design – Research Engineer

    …and others.



    At AFS, we are passionate about fostering innovation and empowering ambitious minds to flourish. Our mission is to provide best-in-class financial services for traditional and crypto deals, exploit European grants, and use quantitative methods to improve clients’ performance. We aim to help our customers unlock their full business potential.

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