Andriotto Financial Services

Elevating Performance: Systemic Solutions Over Individual Productivity

Leaders consistently strive to enhance individual productivity, including their own. Yet, this endeavour often stalls at the surface level of time management training provided by the HR department. These sessions cover merits and drawbacks of techniques like Inbox Zero, the Pomodoro method, the Eisenhower matrix, Getting Things Done. They also explore numerous other methods promising… Continue reading Elevating Performance: Systemic Solutions Over Individual Productivity

Breaking Barriers: The Average Age of Thriving Start-up Founders Is 45

Synopsis There is a widespread belief that the most triumphant entrepreneurs are young. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg were all in their early twenties when they kick-started what became game-changing companies. But does this notion hold true across the board? Surprisingly, the average age of entrepreneurs when they establish their companies is 42.… Continue reading Breaking Barriers: The Average Age of Thriving Start-up Founders Is 45

ESG Initiatives and Shareholder Value Creation: Two Key Factors

A significant critique of corporate sustainability has historically been its perceived prioritization over shareholders’ interests. This prioritisation potentially conflicts with managers’ fiduciary duty. However, in 2016, Professors Aaron Yoon, George Serafeim, and Mozaffar Khan published the paper “Corporate Sustainability: First Evidence on Materiality” that began to challenge this notion. The research demonstrated that considering financially… Continue reading ESG Initiatives and Shareholder Value Creation: Two Key Factors

Cultural Integration: A Key Factor for Successful Mergers and Acquisitions

Effectively managing culture holds chief importance in the process of successful mergers and acquisitions (M&A). When approached with the right strategies, cultural integration can significantly enhance returns on investment. Many companies view successful M&A as a crucial element of their broader long-term plans, a direct path to accelerated growth. Over the past decade, M&A activities… Continue reading Cultural Integration: A Key Factor for Successful Mergers and Acquisitions

The Power of Dissonance: Why Conflicting Ideas Reinforce Business Strategies

In an ever-changing and unpredictable world, successful strategies are those that embrace a portfolio of options, rather than rigid roadmaps. A recent Harvard Business Review (HBR) article emphasized the importance for companies to adopt strategies based on radical optionality. The article argues that conflicting ideas reinforce business strategies. This is particularly applicable to our current… Continue reading The Power of Dissonance: Why Conflicting Ideas Reinforce Business Strategies

Setting the stage for success: 10 tips to kickstart your business

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Have you decided to board on your own entrepreneurial journey? If so, it is very important to be ready for a demanding period of acquainting yourself with the market, exploring funding options, and acquiring new skills. Here is a list of 10 tips to help you kickstart your business on a positive note.   Think… Continue reading Setting the stage for success: 10 tips to kickstart your business

Second growth engine: what is it and how to develop one?

Second growth engine: what is it and how to develop one?

In the quest for growth, companies traditionally relied on leveraging their core capabilities in adjacent markets. However, a new trend has emerged, with companies now focusing on constructing second growth engine–referred to as “engine twos” by Bain’s Zook and Allen. This shift has become even more critical as, over the last five years, 60% of… Continue reading Second growth engine: what is it and how to develop one?

8 Steps for Success in Business

Large startups like Uber and AirBnb have seen tremendous growth, but building a sustainable business is challenging. Many new ideas fail by overlooking critical factors for long-term success. How can you ensure your business achieves its goals? Proper execution of 8 steps for success is key. These steps, outlined below, guide businesses in choosing the… Continue reading 8 Steps for Success in Business